Tuesday, June 20, 2006

EDw@rd CuLLen Aw@reness Day-->

Today is Edward Cullen's birthday!! June 20 ladies and gents! :D *yells for all fellow Twilight fans to hear* HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD CULLEN!
god he is so hot! XD well the way Stephenie Meyer describes him, he's hot. tall, lanky, but muscular with untidy bronze hair, marble smooth skin, gold eyes, fastest vampire in the world, absolutely romantic....YUM!
Twilight's a book, by the way. My most favorite book in the entire world at the moment, anyway. it's about a girl named Bella Swan who moves to a town named Forks. there she meets a family of vampires, the Cullens: Carlisle, Edward, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. The main problem in the story, though is that she and Edward Cullen (a mind reader who curiously cant read her mind, btw) have fallen in love, which literally puts her life at risk. mainly because his nature as a blood-thirsty vampire puts her life in danger. sad huh? well even though he eventually learns to master his urges to kill her, another vampire ends up hunting her.
dont worry she lives. the cullens save her and now she's currently working to persuade edward to change her into a vampire. but its not working. the power of love overcomes all in the end, im hoping.
im a total romance lover so naturally this has become my favorite book in the entire world!! ^_^ i musta read it a hundred times already. i really cant wait til the movie and the next book come out! it's going to be great! *runs in happy circles* i check the website and chat with all other Twilight fans. dude, ive even chatted with the author in the chatroom. she's so cool! lol so there you have it. my Twilight obsession on Edward's birthday, June 20. just thought id mention it for the moment since everyone else is talking about it!