Thursday, November 16, 2006

@DrIAN FLynn-->

Seeing as there's a new character in the story and I havent updated this thing in a while I figure I'd write a little something tonight. Here are some of the things that I probably won't write about in Moonlight Melody. Stuff that isnt really necessary to the plot but hey, who'd complain about knowing a little more about the childhood that Alice seems to breeze through as she tells about when she and Aiden were younger?

There aren't any spoilers in this post though I guess as time goes along and more of this character is revealed I'll write more about him ^_^

Adrian Flynn, as Alice said, is the childhood friend of Mary Alice Brandon. As the son of Mary Alice's best friend, Adrian always came over to the Brandon house alot. And when Alice was born he naturally came with his mother to see the new baby (The houses where Alice and Adrian lived were pretty spread out and secluded, so he didn't have much to do and Adrian wasn't going to school). The moment that he and baby Alice met eyes, the two developed a deep bond. They became inseparable from that day forward.

Sure, he was years older than she was, but it didn't bother him that he was spending most of his time caring for her. There was just some sort of bond between them that he couldn't understand but he naturally accepted because it just seemed right.

Many of Adrian's
(who was 9 at the time) days were spent playing with and taking care of baby Alice. When she grew older, he acted as a big brother for her, walking around with her, taking her places, playing in the stream and making mud pies. They had countless mud fights and the two of them used to always get into so much trouble for getting muddy.

Neither kid cared though. They both loved it too much to stop and Alice especially refused to listen to her mother's scoldings. The two used to get in so much trouble for it and one night Alice even convinced Adrian to run away with her. Of course they didn't get too far on their ration of bread, cheese, and sweets. Eventually they had to turn back and BOY did they get it when they got home.

As they got older and Alice started to get ideas about love they started playing house and that was when Adrian proposed they get married. He'd heard that if they really loved eachother and wanted to be together forever they could get married and never be apart even when they died. Alice, who was then 8 (he was 16), was more than happy to comply. She wasn't even CLOSE to being ready to let go of him.

So one morning they snuck outside into the daisy field and tried to get married. Adrian told Alice that they need to have ring, to whisper their promise and then
seal it with a kiss. So Alice wove a wreath of daisies for him, whispered in his ear what she thought was her promise to him (she knew what she wanted but didn't know how to say it): "I'm yours..."

When she blushed and readied herself to kiss him, he leaned over and gently kissed her on the cheek.

They had a lot of good times together. Everyone knew that if one of them was around so was the other. It was Adrian who gave Alice her wacky edge and taught her to dance one night in the field that they were supposedly married in. Adrian pretty much made Alice what she is in Moonlight Melody.


Anonymous said...

WOW~~that;s so cuuute! they used to be so close. i wish I had a childhood like that! >.<