Monday, July 03, 2006


Remember when i said that i was thinking about writing another Cullen couple story? Well, last night i was trying to come up with something original as far as plot go (if you're curious i came up with a guy looking for the pieces to his girlfriend's heart) and decided to start working on an Emmett and Rosalie story.
so i did and came out with the prologue already, which i thought came out real cute. it's not exactly how Moonlight Melody started but it's the same sort of point. only Emmett is alone when he tells the story. it's called The Beauty and Beast.
It's got a fairy tale title but im not expecting it to turn out that way. it's going to be a cat/mouse story hopefully for mature audiences only seeing as Emmett and Rose have a more *ahem* physical than soulful relationship. :) Still trying to figure out how/if there is going to be sex in there or what.
im aiming for something more different than usual. it wont be as long as Moonlight Melody, and im not all sure about how the plot going to go. ive just got some backround plot working and this time im NOT posting til it's FINISHED! (hahaha that's what i said about Moonlight Melody and i posted when i was on ch3 -__-'). but im sure it'll be fun writing ^.~
what dya all think?