Monday, July 17, 2006

HiDDEN P0weR: PiCtuREs-->

Now that we're almost at the end of the story, here are some of the pictures that I've drawn a long time ago when I first wrote the story. They are meant to match some of the characters in the story. Only thing you have remember is that since the story is rather old, the pictures might be a little outdated.
3 Sprites/Spirits: Here's a picture of three of the chibis. unfortunately ive been unable to scan my most favorite sprite (Skye). But here's just an idea of what they looked like when I first drew them. Only now Gaia is a girl instead of a boy.
Skye (Guardian in Battle Mode): This is Skye when he's not in chibi mode. In the middle of ch18 this is what the Spirit of Sky looks like when he's ready to fight. He looks a little freaky, but he's meant to be the most powerful of the sprites so there you have it!
Rowan (Guardian of Earth): Behold, the original Guardian of Earth, Rowan Evans. He's the hot, sweet guy who keeps to himself but is polite and not interested in seeing other girls (tho they definitely can't get enough of him lol).
Aja (Guardian of Sky): Aja Killian is the shy Guardian of Sky. Before Hidden Power became a fan fic for CCS this is what he looked like. He was constantly doted on by the Guardian of Water and picked on by the Guardian of Fire and blushed very easily. But despite the fact that he was so quiet and shy, he was always the most powerful of the Guardians.
4 Guardians: The original 4 Guardians from left to right: Aja Killian, Andy Kratz, Rowan Evans, Nita Callaghan.
Well that' all I got at the moment. I could have sworn that I scanned a picture of the Prophet, the TriArch, Ryou and Kotoko, but i dunno where THAT went. Working on more but im currently without a scanner :'( i need to buy myself a fricken scanner or something.